International Summer School
UNEFS Bucharest will also host an International Summer School specifically designed for PhD students specializing in sports history or incorporating significant elements of sports history in their research. This initiative builds upon the legacy of the Copenhagen Summer School (held since 2003 by Gertrud Pfister).
The primary objective of this summer school is to provide a conducive environment for PhD students aiming to enhance their expertise in sports history and to expand their professional networks within the field. The PhD Summer School will feature lectures delivered by leading experts in sports history. Additionally, participants will have the opportunity to present and engage in discussions regarding their own research during dedicated working sessions. The summer school is scheduled to take place immediately prior to the ISHPES Congress, specifically on the 21st and 22nd of July 2025, thereby providing students with the opportunity to attend both events.
Candidates applying for the position are invited to submit a 500-word abstract of their research project to Pierre-Olaf Schut, the president of ISHPES and the coordinator of the summer school, at the following email address: .
PhD students intending to participate in the International Summer School will be required to pay an additional fee of 10 EUR for early registration and 20 EUR for late registration, in addition to the ISHPES Congress fee.
Day 1, 21 July 2025
10:00 Welcome
10:30 Students introduction of their research topics
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Workshop on methods in sport history
15:30 Workshop on writing an academic paper
Social evening
Day 2, 22 July 2025
9:00 Workshop “Publish or perish”
10:30 Grants and awards: opportunities
12:30 Lunch
ISHPES 2025 Opening